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term rewriting system造句

"term rewriting system"是什么意思  
  • 8 feng s , cao s , liu s . mechanizing weak termination proving of term rewriting systems by induction . in proc
  • Theoretical computer science , 1997 , 175 : 127 - 158 . 3 toyama y . how to prove equivalence of term rewriting systems without induction
  • 11 feng s . equivalence proving of term rewriting systems by induction . computer science , 2000 , 27 : 5 - 7 . in chinese 12 gramlich b . abstract relations between restricted termination and confluence properties of rewrite systems
    本方法既可以通过在证明中使用命题来实现“向前证明” ,也可以通过在证明的过程中发现引理来实现“向后证明” 。
  • Weakly terminating property in a restricted domain of a term rewriting system , one with structural induction , one with cover - set induction , and the third without induction , and describes their mechanization based on a meta - computation model for term rewriting systems - dynamic term rewriting calculus
  • It's difficult to see term rewriting system in a sentence. 用term rewriting system造句挺难的
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